Thursday 28 April 2011


relate zahrvai, a Muslim andalusyan known as the father of modern surgery with the creation of the first lipstick which is actually a stick, sometime around 900 AD Abu - - kvasim on [Source: Muslim heritage]. Create a base wax pigment and perfumed him and pressed into a mold. Although the lipstick still enjoys great popularity among women during the Middle Ages, his popularity began to die between the top layer until it is considered appropriate only for prostitutes and lower - class women.
The red lips once again considered unacceptable in Europe during the Elizabethan era (in the mid 1500's) because of Queen Elizabeth and I am really very pale face powder off with bright red lips. Dried and gave her the lipstick beesvax and crushed, and flowers such as roses or geraniums.
Gold lipstick again out of fashion only a few hundred years later. In 1770, Parliament passed a law that provides a basis of power - even women and witches who tried to lure men to marry, and can be burned at the stake. The position of any kind is a form of deception is not uncommon. During the reign of Queen Victoria, between 1837 and 1901, and women who want to color their lips resorted to rubbing against them died of crepe paper or ribbons. I bought some preparations sneaked from France or anywhere else.
The tide began to turn again in late 1890. For the first time, offered the catalog roebukk Stars makeup for lips and cheeks. While promoting the film industry, red lips and is marketed to actresses who need to dark colors for his mouth to stand out in black and - white film. The lip color up in the tube is common, and before that, in a small bowl - by the year 1915, and the payment of the modern.The giants of modern cosmetics such as Elizabeth and medal Lauder reported sale in the salons of their lips.
The popularity of the varied types of lipstick colors and wildly over the years. Next, you will look at recent trends lipstick. 

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